Publication list

Stina Hasse has written extensively about sound art, sonic interaction design and vocal performance. 

2024: Cultures of the paralinguistic in AI voice cloning tools. Written with Ada Hyldahl Fogh and Jonas Fritsch. Proceedings for Designing Interactive Systsems (DIS) Conference, July 1-5th 2024.

2023: Voice as Infrastructure. An audio paper at Seismograf Peer special issue on What Sounds Do. Made in collaboration with Marie Ertner and Signe Yndigegn. 

2023: LYDSPOR: AN URBAN SOUND EXPERIENCE WEAVING TOGETHER PAST AND PRESENT THROUGH VIBRATING BODIES. Written with Karin Ryding,  Vasiliki Tsaknaki and Jonas Fritsch.  In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.

2022: “Perspectives on Sounding Women’s Work,” in Seismograf Peer, special issue Sounding Women’s Work (2022). Eds. Kristine Ringsager, Stina Hasse Jørgensen, Agnete Seerup and Andreo Mielczarek.

2021: “Sensing Places: Making Room for More-Than-Human Encounters in the City,” in Politics of the Machine (POM) Conference 2021. Written with Karin Ryding and Vasiliki Tsaknaki.

2021: "The generation of a [multi’vocal] voice," in Seismograf Peer, special issue Sounds of Science: Composition, recording and listening as laboratory practice. Eds. Sanne Krogh Groth and Henrik Frisk. (2021). Written with Alice Emily Baird, Frederik Tollund Juutilainen, Mads Pelt & Nina Cecilie Højholdt.

2021: "Breathing Commons: Affective and Somatic Relations Between Self and Others," in 2021 Nordic Design Research Society (NORDES) conferenc. Written with Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Lena Kühn, Karin Ryding, Mai Hartmann, Maria Foverskov and Jonas Fritsch.

2020: Vocal Bodies: Performing Paralinguistic Stereotypes and Multivocalities in Art and Digital Media, PhD Dissertation, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.

2020:"Kollektiv/Collective," in Peripeti no. 31. Eds. Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Mette Tranholm, Solveig Daugaard, Stina Hasse Jørgensen (2020). Written with Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Mette Tranholm, Solveig Daugaard, Stina Hasse Jørgensen.

2020: "Collective Performative Reading" by For More Than One Voice (with Jane Jin Kaisen), in Collective - Peripeti no. 31. Eds. Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Mette Tranholm, Solveig Daugaard, Stina Hasse Jørgensen.

2020: "Vocalizing Dystopian and Utopian Impulses," in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art. Eds. Sanne Krogh Groth and Holger Schulze. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing (2020).

2019: "Stemmernes politik i samtidskunsten," in Terræn: Veje ind i samtidskunsten. Eds. Camma Juel Jepsen; Rasmus Kjærboe; Sine Krogh; Martin Søberg. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag. p. 228-245.

2019: "Re-Volution Sampler – The Aesthetics of a Participatory Archive of Political Songs," in RE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology (RE:SOUND 2019). Ed. Morten Søndergaard. Written with Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath.

2018: "[multi’vocal]: Reflections on Engaging Everyday People in the Development of a Collective Non-Binary Synthesized Voice", in EVA Copenhagen 2018 - Politics of the Machines - Art and After Conference Proceedings. Co-written with Alice Emily Baird, Frederik Tollund Juutilainen, Mads Pelt & Nina Cecilie Højholdt.

2018: "ROBOT & THE END: A Comparative Critical Reading of the Staging of Synthesized Voices in Digital Media Performances," in Peripeti Vol. 15 Nr. 29/30 (2018): Bodies of Difference/Kroppe I forskellighed. p.157-169.

2018: "The Perception of Vocal Traits in Synthesized Voices: Age, Gender, and Human-Likeness," in JAES. Co-written with Alice Emily Baird, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Simone Hantke, Nicholas Cummins, and Bjorn Schuller. JAES, Audio Engineering Society, vol. 66 issue 4, pp. 277-285.

2017:" Hatsune Miku: An Uncertain Image," in Digital Creativity, vol.28 issue 4, pp.318 – 331. Co-written with Sabrina Vitting-Seerup and Katrine Wallevik.

2017: "Perception of Paralinguistic Traits in Synthesized Voices," in Proceedings from the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference. Co-written with Alice Emily Baird, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Simone Hantke, Nicholas Cummins, and Bjorn Schuller.

2017:"Technological Fantasies of Nao : remarks about alterity relations," in Transformations Journal of Media, Culture & Technology, issue 29.Co-written with Oliver Alexander Tafdrup.

2017: Rummet mellem tavsheden knitrer, risler, klinger og klikker. Co-written with Steffen Breum Sørensen. Seismograf.

2016: THE END: En teknisk operaoplevelse. Seismograf.

2016: Popstjerne af lys, lyd og software.

2015: Electromagnetic Landscape. Co-written with Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath and Ayaka Okutsu. ISEA 2015.

2015: Udstilling På Plade. Co-written with Tobias Linnemann Ewé. Seismograf.

2015: Ian Ingram: Next Animals. Co-editor together with Ian Ingram. Catalogue for Nikolaj Kunsthal.

2013: Musikalske Udknaldetheder. Co-written with Marie Friis Forchhammer. Seismograf.

2012: I am Sitting in a Room - from a listener's perspective. Body, Space & Technology Journal.

2012: Move/Bevæg Dig: An Interactive Sound Art Installation. Co-written with Jeff Snyder. Proceedings from Music, Mind, and Invention Workshop.

2011: Speech Matters, Afart #33. Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.

2010: The Global Lives Project: Making New Media Matter in a Global World. Cultural Analysis.